Make no mistake about it, there is a lot of work to be done running a busy theater like the New Granbury Live.
There is a constant search for new acts which will appeal to our audience, marketing for future shows, sponsorship fulfillment, employees to manage, as well as theater upkeep and housekeeping. I feel like sometimes I meet myself coming and going! On the other hand, there are times like this past Saturday when I almost (notice I said almost!) feel guilty about taking a check!
Saturday, we had the legendary Moe Bandy and his Americana Band in the house and they were terrific! Moe is without a doubt one of the easiest to work with and kindest fellas in show business. His whole band were consummate professionals but at the same time, were happy to accommodate the fans.
We ordinarily feed the bands before a show and that time is quickly beginning to be one of my favorite times of the week. The crew all sits around and eats and invariably the band starts to tell stories about concerts and locations and adventures they have had with other artists. It is so much fun and very informative! I think I could sell dinner invitations! People would enjoy being a part of this intimate insight into the performance world. I also think the bands love this time where they are treated like family and have some human interaction and can just be plain old folks!
I got a text from Moe and the guys from their bus as they made the long road back to Missouri. They thanked me for our hospitality and bragged about the quality of our venue and audience. I texted back and told them they now felt like friends and I was excited to think about them coming to see us all again soon!
I hope we are Granbury Live make all our customers feel like they are coming to see friends!